spy plane

This story is uncorraborated, but true.


When Jenny was seven or eight her best friend was a trouble maker named Danae.  Jenny was then, as she is now, an angel and a pushover and she never would have suggested they cover their feet in vaseline so they could "ice skate" on the Kanode home's hardwood floors.  Danae was always suggesting they do things Jenny wasn't allowed to, like watching MTV or sneaking out in the middle of the night to go swimming.  Jenny also imagined her parents to be much stricter than they actually were and began a lifelong habit of lying about and hiding unimportant things.  So it should come as no surprise to anyone that when Danae's father suggested they drive into the desert to test out some new spy planes him and a friend had been building, Jenny didn't tell her parents.  She remembers very clearly the drive in the winnebego, the dry and cracked desert, and the ride in the plane itself.  When Jenny started telling this story a few years ago, no one believed her.  Jenny hasn't talked to Danae in 17 years so it's hard to get anyone to back her up.  Apparently a much more believable story is that Mordicai shot a missile off the back of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.